Meet Tiffany Devereux, M.A.

Tiffany Devereux is the Founder and CEO of Jury-X, a company using the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence to score potential jurors and eliminate bias on the jury panel.

Jury-X was created out of a need to understand juror bias for Plaintiff’s attorneys in Big Tobacco trials. Tiffany developed and trademarked the X-Bias Score™ and Strike Priority List™ to help attorneys quickly decide which influential jurors to eliminate.

With a background in investigative journalism and a desire for equality, Tiffany launched Jury-X in order to help those injured—or otherwise disadvantaged—to access a fair justice system against powerful corporations and insurance companies by ensuring jurors are open to hearing all arguments BEFORE empaneling the jury. Tiffany believes litigation is the best way to fight powerful corporations that protect their own profit interests at the expense of consumers or the public. They do this by lobbying local, state and federal government entities with their own legislation that protect their own interests. She continues to guide the company to stay ahead of Defense’s jury consultants and ensure Jury-X is the equalizer between the two parties. 

Tiffany holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Mass Communications and a Master of Arts degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Hussman School of Media and Journalism. She lives in Chapel Hill and loves to wakeboard with her three teens and their three-legged Goldendoodle, Cha Cha and their new puppy Beaux.